The International school is the ONLY school following the small-sized schools methodology. The smaller schools movement is a current trend in which the role of Innovation through Technology and Personalized Care is considered vital. At the school, Personalized Care is clearly experienced by the students, as our teacher to student ratio is 2.5/1.
The Personalized care offered at TIS is the foundation for the education and training received by students. From the distinctly Personalized Education Plan given at the start of each year, will be assessed and evaluated by different teachers to help reach the planned targets.
- Average of 2.5 students per teacher:
The ratio of students per teacher is the utmost importance for an educational institute to follow personalized education. TIS now has not only the exceptionally low ratio in Vietnam but also the application of technology, which helps TIS to make individual development plans suitable for each student’s ability,aspiration and potential.
- Small-scale school orientation
TIS pursues a small-scale school trend with proven advantages in recent studies around the world. Some of the advantages of small-scale schools (West Regional Educational Testing Laboratories Portland, Oregon, United States):
- Equal or higher academic achievement
- Positive behavior
- More positive Social behavior (judging by disciplinary, truancy, drug abuse, etc.)
- Non-existent school violence
- Better educational outcomes from positive teacher relationships
- Employees participating in the Personalized Education Program (PEP)
At TIS, not only the homeroom teachers but also the support staffs and The Board of Trustees fully grasp the academic strength, personality, capacity, interest and passion of each student. TIS creates peace of mind for parents in a personalized educational environment uniformly frequently. Employees participate in PEP including teachers and departments: Homeroom teachers, Coordinators, Dormitory management teachers, Vietnamese subject teachers, Foreign teachers, Teaching assistants, and TIS Board of Mentors (*).
- Homeroom teachers
At TIS, full-time homeroom teachers have good understanding of the characteristics and behaviors of each student in order to educate and promote the progress of students. The teachers always create a closely and friendly environment with the students to make students can easily exchange and express their opinions, plan to study in the school year. Additionally, the homeroom teachers often meet, exchange and collaborate closely with parents about essential information.
- Coordinators
The coordinators collaborate and support the homeroom teachers, subject teachers and departments in teaching and caring students; keep track of information about learning, moral education of students; regular contact and inform timely to parents about the education of students.
- Dormitory management teachers
The Board of dormitory manages all boarding activities and works throughout the weekend (after regular school hours) to carry out the management, administration, serving the living, security, study and training of the boarding students. The dormitory management teachers are as teachers and friends of the students. The teachers are always interested in personal care: willing to listen, understand and share feelings with the students frequently.
- Subject teachers (Vietnamese Teachers & Foreign Teachers)
The teachers have not only qualified certificates but also the capacity and experience to teach. TIS teachers are well-trained in terms of technical expertise and application. Suject teachers understand the learning capacity, personality and behavior of each student, encourage and motivate students’ creativity.
- Teaching assistants
Assist the foreign teachers in teaching The International Program, monitor the students’ learning situation and provide timely support as well as help them improve their English skills.
- TIS Board of Mentors
The school has a Career Advisory Board and consultants to help students develop their capacity and career orientation. The members of the Advisory Board are successful people in their field. We have professorships in Economics, Singers, Scientists, Doctors, Designers, Marketing Specialists and Business Administration.
- Application-oriented technology:
One of the first Google schools in Vietnam with the patronage of Google: TIS applies GAFE in learning, discipline, and parenting information to create a dynamic, innovative learning environment.
- Chương trình phát triển cá nhân (Personalized Education Plan - PEP)
Personalized Education Plan (PEP)
PEP is an all-round educational plan which is designed to cover the breadth of education aspects: knowledge, life skills, discipline, music appreciation, etc.
Students with PEP understand their short, medium and long-term goals. These goals range from academic achievements, involvements in arts and sports, to improvements in attitudes and habits.
PEP is the cornerstone of our commitment of helping each and every student improve every day.
PEP process:
- PEP consultancy
- Survey, Evaluation
- PEP, finalization
- PEP design – Specific PEP for your child
- PEP Conduct, Pre-Evaluation and Adjustment
Fields currently being researched and developed:
+ Energy & Fitness:
- Assessed the levels of aptitude through the recognition of the student’s experience, the subjective assessment of the student, and the interest of the family in the problem.
- Measured and surveyed of body mass indexes, nutritional habits and motility. Students and parents share about home living conditions to receive advice on positive changes.
+ Knowledge of education:
- Evaluated by recognizing not only the results that students have achieved in the past, but also the parent and student surveys about the environment and conditions under which the outcome occurs.
While the results can be very clear and intuitive, there is a clear understanding of the relationship between parents and students, living conditions, priorities, and many other factors in order to understand better. It is the result that students are gaining.
+ Skills:
- Focused on LEARNING and LIFE skills groups by prioritizing skills groups that help students meet the needs of the times – as a global citizen.
- Began with the most basic skills: critical thinking, communication skills, etc. The survey uses a number of situations in life to assess in general the level of well-being for each student.
- The skills required by the age are also mentioned: integration skills, diversity acceptance, public speaking skills, etc.
+ Personality & Discipline
- While using the world-renowned personality tests to better understand each student, the survey also used hypothetical or empirical scenarios to evaluate students in a number of cents main attitudes: attitude toward learning, self-interest and people around us, the tendency to use violence, compliance with the principles / contract, etc.
Based on the results of the Survey, Student and Parent Counseling, TIS provides individualized development programs (PEPs) for each student with tailored, individualized solutions. The implementation of this program is the efforts of the student, in conjunction with all participating TIS units.