With advantage of Smaller School, TIS fulfill the necessary conditions to implement Personalized Plan effectively. Each TIS student’s personalized paper is one of factors of Personalized Plan being implemented for all students.
Each TIS student has a Personalized Plan with their personal information and updated information of studying and learning at TIS which is weekly shared by the homeroom teachers, subject teachers, coordinators, supervisors, superintendents,…
Based on the discipline guidelines, students violating school rules will be punished while well-behaved students will be appreciated. All students’ positive and negative responses, strengths and weakness are clearly recorded in their Personalized Plan .
For boarding students, besides above information, their personalized papers show all other aspects in their development at boarding area.
Including form of positive habits (living hours, making bed, cleaning rooms, finishing collective responsibilities,v..v…) or necessary life skills/ the typical feature of collective environment. Boarding management teacher supervise, instruct and update full information.
Students’ personalized Plan is one of the efforts TIS want to reach as one of its commitments to parents and students which will provide instant information about the students. Parents can access these files either online or through talking to a member of TIS staff.